Once a collector amasses holdings of a certain volume, say, more than they can display in their big-city town house or mansion and their second, idyllically located pied-à-terre—and often before they even reach that point—they require an expansive array of services. If they lend their precious pieces to museums, lawyers come into play to execute loan agreements. If they want to bid on a costly piece coming up at auction and find themselves in a cash crunch, they may rely on banks to front them money based on their art assets alone.
The ARTnews Top Art World Professionals list (alphabetical and not ranked) focuses on the United States, since it remains the largest single national market. The country accounted for about 45 percent of the global art market by value last year, according to The Art Market 2023: A report by Art Basel & UBS, authored by art economist Clare McAndrew, founder of Arts Economics….
Bark Frameworks is honored to be a part of this year’s professionals!
Download our listing as a .pdf or View the entire article and listings, here.
ARTnews, September 2023